Wisely Well has specifically signposted meals that are low in sodium in the product page and allow you to sort on meals by dietary condition.
Current UK recommendation is a maximum of 6g per day, the average salt intake is 8.1g
Getting older comes with the reality that dietary changes are needed - especially around added salt and hidden salt intake.
- Don't add salt to food when cooking - try using other seasonings such as pepper, herbs or spices
- Choose foods that are low in salt. Check Nutritionals for less than 1.5g (0.6g sodium) per 100g
- Exercise more - moving helps lower your blood pressure - as does losing excess weight.
1. He FJ, MacGregor GA. How far should salt intake be reduced? Hypertension.2003; 42, 1093-1099
2. Strazullo P et al. Salt intake, Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease: meta-analysis of prospective studies. British Medical Journal. 2009; 339, b4567doi:10.1136/bmj.b4567
3. International Osteoporosis Foundation, 2017. Infographic https://www.iofbonehealth.org/iof-global-patient-charter