14 Meal Subscription Pack - Only £3.22 per meal delivered to your door
How do we compare?
Wisely Well was established in 2024 to help support the carer community in supporting a loved one (parent, relative or child) and deliver nutritiously balanced meals to encourage healthy eating habits.
There are wide range of choices for a carer to help support independent living, regular shopping trips to a supermarket with the one you care for or a meal delivery service such as ours.
Historically "meals on wheels" services were provided by local authorities throughout the UK, but during budget cuts and focus on other areas of social care these have been extensively phased out. This has left a few companies such as Wiltshire Farm Foods, Parsley Box and Oakhouse Foods providing services to elderly consumers by phone and catalogue.
Wisely Well differs as it provides services to the caregiver - and offers a range of meals and nutritional supplements to support a wide range of options including ready meals.
Our range is also easily colour coded to allow your family member to choose between regular or smaller meals (for those with smaller appetites). Clear large font microwave instructions are on the pack and large print heating instructions make. All our meals contain British meat and typically have a higher level of protein than many competitors including supermarket meals, ensuring you achieve higher protein intake which is essential for healthy ageing.
View our Meal Range